Sunday, June 7, 2009

Death of GeoCities, Yahoo 360...

Today I changed my main page on GeoCities (Yahoo) to point to my new home at Yahoo is shutting down GeoCities, even though they paid several Billion dollars for it in the dot-com boom days.

It's sort of sad, really. To see my old home at ( torn down. A whole village, city, country, and virtual world gone. Granted, I'm not sure how many people still had their home at GeoCities, given the social networking ( Facebook, Yahoo 360 / Yahoo Profiles, MySpace, Live Spaces, etc.), blogging (e.g. ), and other sites that make it so easy to create a 'home' and connect to people.

In a little over a decade I've gone from one of the few geekette's on the web with her own home page (, which is still hacked together in text files and raw HTML, BTW. Sad, huh?), to a small voice in the maelstrom of online activity. I'm not sad as much as amazed and maybe a little bemused by this. After all, the incredible connection and community possible through a largely free and accessible medium such as the web has done so much for the transgender and other communities. Even specialized community and even dating sites for trans people; be it,, or many others. I am thankful for the change that has occurred in bringing our community, and many different people, together.

So, anyway, my site is much the same as it has always been. A lot of Yin with a little Yang (visually Yin ;-), the same basic look it's had since 1996 or so. It simply has a new address.

Thanks for coming and finding me, for stopping by, and particularly for reading my little note to you.
